• Pan z Wami

    The phrase Pan z wami (the Lord be with you, in English) is a liturgical greeting uttered four times by a priest during the Mass in the most meaningful moments of the Eucharistic celebration, namely, at the beginning of the Mass, before the proclamation of the Gospel, at the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer and at the end of the Mass before the final blessing. Knowing the answer, we automatically say i z duchem twoim (and with your spirit, in English).

    Our publications bearing such name are indeed aiming at providing necessary resources that can be useful for the dialogical character of the Eucharistic celebrations and of help for both groups of faithful, Polish and English-speaking, in their active participation in the liturgical celebrations. For this purpose, we annually publish two versions of the missalette and the prayer book. In October 1970, shortly after the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council began, the Polish edition of the missalette was launched to provide the parishes with the current Polish translations of biblical and liturgical texts. With time many members of Polonia assimilated into American culture losing their native language.

    In 2002, the bilingual version was designed to respond to this situation. One page of the text is in Polish and on the opposite page it is in English. This symmetry of material helps the reader see the similarities and differences of the material, and promotes a greater understanding and appreciation for each language while encouraging readers to learn the unfamiliar language as it is read or sung at Mass.


    Liturgical Year 2025-2026

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    Pan z Wami: A Polish-English Mass and Prayer Book

    Pan z Wami: A Polish-English Mass and Prayer Book

    Description: It opens with common parts of the Mass and a selection of prefaces and Eucharistic prayers. The next section consists of common parts of the Mass in Latin. As for Sunday and solemnities, it contains proper prayers and readings.
    As for weekday Masses, it includes proper prayers, biblical references for readings, refrains for responsorial psalms and the Alleluia acclamations (this section is exclusively in Polish). The last section consists of various prayers and devotions (generally in Polish, but some are also in English) as well as hymns and religious songs (mostly in Polish).

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    Pan za Wami: Polski mszalik i modlitewnik (A Polish Mass & Prayer Book)

    Pan za Wami: Polski mszalik i modlitewnik (A Polish Mass & Prayer Book)

    Description: It opens with common parts of the Mass and a selection of prefaces and Eucharistic prayers. The next section consists of common parts of the Mass in Latin. As for Sunday and solemnities, it contains proper prayers and readings. As for weekday Masses, it includes proper prayers, biblical references for readings, refrains for responsorial psalms and the Alleluia acclamations. The last section consists of various prayers and devotions as well as hymns and religious songs.



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    Our annual missalettes are supplemented by two companion publications. One of them is a bilingual volume for the celebration of the Sacred Paschal Triduum, the other one is a hymnal.

    Easter Triduum / Święte Triduum Paschalne

    Easter Triduum / Święte Triduum Paschalne

    Description: It contains proper prayers and readings for the days of the Sacred Paschal Triduum. The second part contains some devotions (Lenten Lamentations and reflections for the Way of the Cross) as well as hymns and religious songs in both languages.


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    Śpiewnik “Pan z Wami”

    Śpiewnik “Pan z Wami”

    Description: It contains a selection of hymns and religious songs both in Polish and English with melodies for various liturgical celebrations. It has the same numbering system of hymns as in the annual missalettes. A good number of hymns in Polish from this hymnal are also found in both missalettes, but without melodies, while all hymns in the hymnal are with melodies. There are also number of hymns in English in the hymnal while the bilingual missalette has only a few of them. Whereas the missalettes are replaced every year, this hymnal can serve for several years.


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